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St Joseph table at the Club

St. Joseph’s Day at the BTC

Saturday, March 19th, 2022

Time: 3:00 pm to 9pm

Table ends at 6:00 pm

In the true spirit of our Italian American heritageThe Big Timer’s Club is proud to host our annual  “Feast of St. Joseph”  at our club. This annual event is open to all members, their families, and guests. 

  • Come One – Come all

    Event Co-Chairmans,   T. Guglielmo, D. Petrucci

    “Viva San Giuseppe”

    It is believed the “St. Joseph’s Table” dates back to the year 1268. The custom came about when there was a terrible drought in Sicily. The feudal landowners, in desperation, turned to Saint Joseph, the patron saint of Sicily and promised him that if the rains would come they would prepare a big feast in his honor and invite the people of the town.  When the rains miraculously came, the landowners set up huge tables in the Town Piazza, and a feast was presented to everyone. The meal consisted entirely of meatless dishes because meat was not easily obtainable and a very uncommon staple of their diet. After many generations of tradition, St. Joseph’s Table was brought to Buffalo and eventually expanded outside the Sicilian community and into the churches and social clubs. Today, many restaurants and churches need reservations, and a small fee to cover expenses. We, here at “ The Spirit of American Italian Club”, The Big Timer’s, offers this table at no charge to our members, their families and guests, and no one will be turned away. It is with honor, that we welcome everyone into our American Italian community, and ask you to join us at our St. Joseph’s altar.

    St Joseph’s Day Information

    The Feast of St. Joseph will be celebrated once again after being cancelled the past two years due to the pandemic on Saturday, March 19th , 2022. We are pleased to announce that Tony Guglielmo and Donny Petrucci have again committed to be Co-Chairs for this event.

    For those who attended previous years, I’m sure you remember what a great job they did.  St. Joseph’s Day has been an Italian tradition for generations at the Big Timer’s Club. The tradition has been that members will offer up some fine dishes of their own.

    We welcome members to sign up if you plan on bringing a dish or will be making a cash donation to help cover the expenses.  The sign up sheet is located on the bulletin board.   


    Thank You for your Support,

              Tom Mazzone


March 14

BOD Meeting

March 30

BTC General Meeting